This site is powered by WordPress – a great blogging engine. Indeed, it takes you five minutes to set it up and create your own site. WordPress has a flexible architecture. You can easily extend the functionality of your site by using thousands of plugins. While creating my site I needed some special features, so I spent some time to find and to select the best plugins. I think this can save you a lot of time too.

Here is a list of plugins I use.

Photo gallery

WPG2 is a WordPress Plug-in that embeds Gallery2 within WordPress to share photos, videos and any other Gallery2 content seamlessly into the WordPress Sidebar and Blog entries.

WPG2 Features:

  • Gallery 2 Images, Videos, Albums (displays the Album Highlight Image) can be displayed in Blog Entries
  • Random, Recent, Daily, Weekly, Popular Images, Albums can be displayed as image blocks in the WordPress Sidebar
  • Management of Gallery2 users, secured by WordPress User Roles and Capabilities
  • Automatic logging in of WordPress Users into Gallery2
  • Displaying Gallery2 Output within a WordPress Page

Code syntax highlighting

Dean’s Code Highlighter plugin uses Geshi to highlight source code in a wide range of popular languages. It aims to be a simple but powerful code highlighting plugin, with the following features:

  • Easy to use
  • Support for a wide range of popular languages
  • Customizable output formats
  • Auto adjust the height of the Code Container if the code is too long

Contact form

WP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post. It currently works with WordPress 2.0+. Script modified by Doug Karr to require a challenge question and response to fight spam.

Text formatting

By default WordPress does automatic text formatting of your posts and pages. It is not always bad. However, sometimes it’s necessary to preserve your own formatting. Text control plugin takes total control of how your blog formats text: Textile 1+2, Markdown, AutoP, nl2br, SmartyPant, and Texturize. Blog wide, individual posts, and defaults for comments. By Jeff Minard.